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What is attention arbitrage?

Arbitrage is the process of buying and selling in different markets and benefiting from the profit. Attention arbitrage flips the focus from monetary value – to people’s attention, a somewhat rare commodity. Attention arbitrage focuses on how to attract and keep people’s attention in a world of rapidly decreasing attention spans.

What is arbitrage trading?

Arbitrage is trading that exploits the tiny differences in price between identical assets in two or more markets. The arbitrage trader buys the asset in one market and sells it in the other market at the same time in order to pocket the difference between the two prices.

What is Political arbitrage?

Arbitrage is the purchase and sale of an asset at the same time in order to profit from a difference in the price. Political arbitrage activity involves trading securities based on knowledge of potential future political activity.

What is breaking down arbitrage?

BREAKING DOWN 'Arbitrage'. Arbitrage occurs when a security is purchased in one market and simultaneously sold in another market at a higher price, thus considered to be risk-free profit for the trader.

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